Minggu, 13 Februari 2011


Well it's been a long time..i seldom write.. even on my diary,,(it's true)..actually I'd rather tell to somebody than to write..but it's okay, im starting to write agaaaiinnnn ,,,:)

All i want to share here are everything that make me interested..not only bout my day, but also I'm gonna share knowledge to all of u guys..i may not be able to share all of the knowledge in this world, but something i know, n hopefully it can be useful for all of us,,Amiiiinnn

oh i almost forget..i do my college at Telkom Institute of Technology (as known as IT TELKOM or STT TELKOM) ,now I'm gonna explore my knowledge by joining the recruitment of PFT LAB.

PFT Lab( perancangan fasilitas telekomunikasi) is one of the Lab in FRI IT TELKOM. Studying GIS, planning the manufacture's layout , defining the best location for the telecommunications facilities, and so on.
I am so interested with this lab. And the recruitment is so WOWWW..
i have to be ready all the time,because the test is so unpredictable,,makes me "deg deg serrrr"
this morning we did such as psychotest,and then we did outbond( we had to find the hidden treasure,so we had to run to be the first winner ), next we opened the treasure, and Here it goEsss,,the treasure is the written test..woooowwwww.......cool,,,hehehehe..I'm gonna do better for the next step..always there's a way when there's a will right?? I'm gonna give the best of me,,just pray, and keep fighting! \(^.^)/

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